一个真正的 四维体验 不只是发生在教室里. 全球范围内, our students 和 faculty create knowledge 和 make profound 和 lasting change for the better. 我们的学生在布拉格学习国际经济学, work on sustainable development in Thail和 和 use their spring breaks to provide medical relief in Central America.
在家里, 学生丰富了我们的校园, 来自世界各地的教师和研究人员, 代表80多个国家. 我们致力于为国际学生提供所有的建议, advocacy 和 language education they need to feel at home in their new surroundings 和 be a part of a worldly 和 rigorous college experience.
教师对我们的全球影响力做出了重要贡献. Their research demonstrates the extraordinary effectiveness of nonviolent solutions to seemingly intractable global problems. 他们与世界各地的政府和公司进行磋商, 打击人口贩运, 作为我们国家和其他国家之间的文化使者.
我们还举办活动和节目,把世界带到我们的校园. 从埃及学者到拉美政治家再到中国媒体高管, thinkers 和 doers from around the world come here to share ideas 和 learn from 和 with our community. 这些努力,加上教育,联系和项目 约瑟夫·科贝尔国际研究学院,帮助我们发展全球联系,加强国家间的关系.
70% Around 70 percent of DU undergraduates study abroad, many through Cherrington Global Scholars
80+ The University of Denver is host to students 和 faculty from over 80 countries around the 全球
Ranked fifth in the nation among graduate schools for producing 和平队 volunteers
Director of the Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security 和 Diplomacy 黛博拉的, 还有一组教授和研究人员, 领导调查冲突地区非暴力行动的影响吗. The team hopes to find the most effective ways to reduce violence 和 create conditions for long-term peace 和 stability.
他是科贝尔学院中东研究中心主任, professor 纳德Hashemi works with students 和 faculty alike to deepen the underst和ing of the societies 和 political structures of the Middle East 和 the broader Islamic world. 他的工作旨在缩小中东和西方之间的差距.
飞往丹佛, 由正规赌博十大平台排行学的X-ITE项目主办,与各种学术机构合作, 公共, 私人和非营利组织, 是工程师的峰会吗, scientists 和 innovators working to address the United Nations' sustainable development goals. 17个进球, 2015年前行, 是为了消除贫困而设计的吗, 保护地球,确保人人繁荣. 解决不同目标的团队与教师合作, 本科生和研究生, 以及来自非营利组织的专家, 公营及私营机构.
多亏了创新的伙伴关系, students have the opportunity to spend two years abroad in Sweden to earn a bachelor's degree from DU 和 a master's from Lund University. Initially available to students in the biological sciences 和 gender 和 women's studies 项目, the initiative calls for participants to spend their first three years at DU followed by two at Lund University, 它是瑞典排名最高的大学,也是世界排名前100的大学之一.
这是杜克大学30多年的传统, 文化节对学生来说是一个机会, 教职员工和邻居庆祝杜社区所代表的多种文化. 有来自世界各地的美食和表演, participants have fun 和 enjoy great food while representatives from various internationally focused clubs 和 organizations share traditions from a wide range of cultures.