家庭对杜社区来说很重要. Use the tools 和 resources below to stay involved with your student 和 get the latest information on what's happening on campus.
In the event of an emergency or weather-related closure on campus, your student will immediately be notified via email 和 can sign up for alerts on their phone as well. The DU website will display an alert whenever necessary, but the best tactic to stay up-to-date on campus happenings is to follow us on 推特. For any questions, consult our 应急准备办公室 site.
Our 家长s Program is your primary resource for communication, 参与的事件和机会. From reading parent "survival guides" to finding academic counseling to sending your student a cake, our 家长s Program can help you stay connected to your student's DU experience.
地图 & 停车
计划拜访你的学生? Find your way around with our campus map 和 parking services information.
The 的发现方向 program is designed to ensure your student has the best possible start to their DU experience. Information regarding the orientation 和 transition process is available on the 的发现方向 site, so you can prepare to move your student in to their new home.
访问 the DU 书店's online shop for apparel 和 gear to show your support for your student 和 the University.
你是国际学生的家人吗? 国际学生 & 学者服务 works to ensure students coming from abroad to study at the University have all they need to succeed academically 和 personally.
Support the people, 项目 和 campus that make up the University of Denver.
Follow us on social media for the latest news 和 updates from the DU community.
Check out our calendar to find dates, deadlines 和 events.
住房 & 住宅教育
Students live on campus 和 have a meal plan for their first two years. Learn about our efforts to make the residential experience a quality 和 meaningful one for every student. You can also learn about how our commitment to diversity 和 sustainability is a key element of residential life.
我们自己不提供校外住宿, but we're happy to help connect students 和 their families with resources for finding living spaces off campus.
The 校园安全处 works to keep students, faculty 和 staff safe 和 secure. The department is staffed 24 hours a day year-round by trained professionals who advance a community approach to safety, with escorts available for any student who feels uncomfortable walking on campus after dark. 如有任何疑问,请致电303-871-2334.
The 编辑部 is the centralized source of news for the University community.
The magazine features news articles, profiles 和 events from on campus 和 around the world.
The 学生收费办公室 is responsible for the collection 和 billing of tuition 和 related charges. If you have any questions about tuition 和 fees, or would like to make a payment, visit the 学生账单办公室网站. If you're looking for important registration 和 payment dates, 您可以查看学生账单日历.
The 财政援助办公室 helps students 和 their families navigate the process of paying for a DU education. We provide guidance, resources 和 advice to manage the costs of your student's college experience. 我们会提供援助项目的见解, help you determine the cost of a DU education 和 provide application instructions on a program-specific basis.
Our 司法常务官办公室 provides students with the necessary tools to register for classes 和 acts as an administrative service center for the University. They also offer information on academic policies 和 the tuition pay schedule.